When one decides it is time for a side hustle, it can be confusing trying to decide which opportunity is right for you. There are many to choose from! (Some are definitely better than others and I have some tips on choosing which one in a follow up post, just wait!) 

There are a number of “misconceptions” I have heard over the years regarding starting a business with Rodan+Fields when talking to new people. I usually find with a little bit of conversation and perspective of someone who is actually “doing the do,” these thoughts are put to rest.

Then the next step is assisting one in making a decision for themselves. My number 1 goal has always been full transparency. In discussing this list of 5, I hope you put your mind at ease, and get you excited about the possibility of being a business owner!

I have to work this business all the time. 

False! The truth is, this business is made for busy people. We train on finding pockets of the day to make connections, and share. The beauty is that we very much live in a social world, and being able to connect with people easily with the click of a button, makes it actually quite easy to find the time. Also, I have learned, you make time for what is important to you. So we teach on prioritizing your business, and assist any new business owner in setting realistic goals for growth. If you have 10 hours a week to devote to your business, you are golden. Likewise, if you told me you only have 30 minutes a day, we can work with that too! If you are wondering how this busy, working mama does it, check out this recent post here!

rodan+fields, business owner, working mom

I have to be a slave to social media. 

Nope! It is no secret that one can utilize social media in order to connect with other people, and market their business. It is a wonderful tool, but also it can be a time suck. As I had mentioned above, prioritizing, and creating a daily discipline can help so that one doesn’t get distracted in the social media scroll. Set a timer to avoid scanning the newsfeed for an extended period of time! If you decide you would like to utilize social media, we will show you how to be effective, and efficient. Also, think about all the people you come in to contact during your daily day to day interactions. Then, think about who your network knows! This business is about connection, conversations, and referrals!

I will never make money. 

Wrong again! One doesn’t start a business to NOT make money, right?! In Rodan+Fields, you don’t stock inventory, you aren’t meant to invest thousands of dollars to clog your bathroom shelves to then resell products. All our products are bought through our individual online storefront, then shipped directly to the customers door. Everyone’s first goal in business should be to recoup the cost of your start up kit. And our top priority is to get you there! If you are coachable, prioritize your business like I mentioned above, and are ready to run, I am ready to run with you! I can only speak from my personal experience and share my story. I was able to pay off my initial investment within my first 6 weeks of business. Moving forward after that, I started earning over 4 figures 5 months later, and haven’t looked back! (This is my personal story, for more detailed information, you can search Rodan+Fields, IDS, or see it here.)

I have to bug my family and friends. 

Not at all! While sharing with those closest to you, is one of the best things about this business (who doesn’t want to help their family and friends make extra $$ or have glowing skin, and great looking lashes), they aren’t the only people you should share with! The beauty is everyone has skin, and everyone is aging! This business or these products really can be for anyone. The beauty of social media is you are able to connect with so many other people outside of your immediate bubble. Most of my customers and teammates are people I have never actually met in person! 

I have to be a skincare expert, or passionate about skincare. 

False! Majority of consultants will openly share that they never even regularly washed their face prior to starting their business! Obviously, once you start your own skincare business you use the products, and fall in love, but it wasn’t something that was on our radar before. Our passion isn’t skincare. Our passion is what this skincare business will allow us to achieve. Use that deep desire for change, and more, to utilize this vehicle. That is what this business is. A vehicle for change. 

charcoal mask, rodan+fields, skincare

You never know…

The truth is you never know if you don’t try. If you are curious about what this business could be for you, I would love to jump on the phone to share more!

Until next time my friend,
