Alright, it happened again, I walked back into the house for the 5th time as we are trying to leave for the day. I forgot my car keys. Last week, I spent 15 minutes in the morning (time we didn’t have mind you) to find my phone. This seems quite routine for me at this point. 3 small humans, 1 dog, a house, and myself to manage seems impossible to remember everything sometimes. Not to mention I have a career, home based business, and now this blog! Not that I am complaining, I thrive on being busy, and all of these things are blessings, but sometimes something has got to give. And last week, it was my car keys, and phone. There is only 1 explanation for this routine occurrence… mom brain. 

Pregnancy brain is something that happens while expecting. Apparently, the gray matter in our brains shrink while carrying a baby?! Say what?!! Don’t worry, it does bounce back but that doesn’t mean that our memory recovers the same way. Then, postpartum, we battle postnatal depletion, as we are working hard to provide food and nutrients for our new babies. I believe that this postpartum forgetful status carries over into mom life, or mom brain, and honestly, I think it must persist until your kids leave for college? 

After my frustration from that morning settled, I got to thinking about this whole “mom brain” thing and how we can beat it. I know there is a way to not live in this constant state of fog. Some days may be better than others, we are not perfect. But I think making these small tweaks could help! 
5 simple ways to combat the dreaded “mom brain:”

  1. Make lists, utilize your calendar in your phone, or a daily planner, stay organized! I live and breathe by my planner and to do list. I also set reminders in my phone daily! 
  2. Keep multitasking to a minimum. I love to multi-task. But some will say that it isn’t a good thing to do because you end up not giving one of those things your undivided attention. I think there is truth to this. Focus on one task at a time until it is complete, cross it off your list, and move on. 
  3. Put your phone down (in a place where you will remember). While the phone is a great way to keep reminders, calendars etc, this rule goes back to the multi-tasking. The phone can be a huge distraction. 
  4. Take care of you! Make sure you are drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep, and eating regularly!! 
  5. Have common areas of your house where you keep things, so you don’t forget. A place for your keys, or phone, wallet. That way you know where to look! Then you can avoid the 15 minute scramble in the morning!

What are some ways that you have stayed on task, and better organized? I would love to hear what some of your must dos are! 

Much love my friends. 
