It was July 2015. I came to my husband, Chris, and said… I want to spend $700 dollars to start a home based business.

Then I followed that up with, I will pay this back. The truth was at that time, we had no extra wiggle room in our monthly expenses. I had to charge that investment on a credit card, which I absolutely hated doing. But I also knew how this could change our family’s financial trajectory. It sounds dramatic, but it is true. I was making an investment in our future. That didn’t make the risk any less scary. 

My husband has always been pretty easy going. He doesn’t let much ruffle his feathers, especially when it comes to money, or some of the different ideas I may have had in the past. Chris trusts my judgement. So that day in July, he said ok, without much hesitation. And I started my business. 

I realize that not every significant other may be on board with an idea like this. It could seem too risky. There could be worry, fear of failure, and the urge to protect us from the disappointment. But at the end of the day, being assertive in sharing why you want to do this to begin with, how it can benefit the family, then diving in head first to achieve success quickly, is one of the best things you can do. 

Here are my 3 top tips when addressing your spouse about starting a home based business. I hope this will calm some nerves, and alleviate some pressure of having that conversation. 

Be Decisive and Assertive in your Decision 

Own it. If you want to be taken seriously, you can’t hesitate. See the clear vision of how this business can bless your family and share it with him. Don’t ever be afraid to dream. You may be meant with resistance, and if that’s the case. It is okay, it is coming from a place of protection and fear of the unknown. Use that as your driver to fuel your fire. Prove him wrong, and remember that’s okay to do!

Come with a Business Building Plan in Place

It helps to know exactly how you are going to proceed. However, that may be easier said than done when you are doing something that is completely different than you have ever done in the past! I find that these opportunities are an “earn as you learn” type of business. You don’t need to be an expert, but just follow the leaders and dive in. Focus on new programs in place, create your checklists, and do the work. If you aren’t sure where to start, check out this recent post here.

Make the Decision to Find Success No Matter What 

You have to decide from the very beginning that your success is non negotiable. No matter what it will take. Giving up quickly after a few nos, or small rejections will only add fuel to the “I told you so” fire. Don’t give them that ammunition. You also owe it to yourself to give this a fighting chance. Be coach able. Step outside your comfort zone, and push. You can do this. Don’t let anyone tell you different. 

Ultimately, you know your spouse. Approach the subject with excitement, fire in your eyes, and they will have no choice but to give you their blessing. And if you are still met with resistance… the best, and fastest way to get them on board is to show them your paycheck!! 

You got this my friend. Much love,
