I get this question a lot… okay, so what do you actually do to grow your business? What does your day to day look like? After being in business for almost 5 years, in some ways it feels like autopilot. (I can show you how to get there) Many of my business building efforts are small tasks done daily, in order to grow into big results. 

The Slight Edge

Have you ever heard of the book called, The Slight Edge? Check it out here if you haven’t heard of it. The Slight Edge

I am currently reading it for the second time. This second time, I have a much deeper and greater appreciation for it. The Slight Edge is based on the idea that the top 5% of the population, those that are the most successful are the ones that know it is in the sometimes mundane, easy to do, but just as easy not to do tasks that will lead them to success. 

Plant the Seed.

In my business, it is the very same. There are simple tasks that we repeat each and every day, to connect with and inspire others that lead to business growth. If I am being honest, the hardest part is that you may not always see results right away. It is much like planting a seed. You don’t see the tree or the flower bloom right after the seed is planted. The root must establish first, then it must be watered, and receive the appropriate amount of sunlight to grow. Think of the daily activity as planting seeds.  

My Day Job

I still work outside the home as a Physician Assistant, I also have 3 small kids at home, ages 7, 5, and 20 months, so I know “busy.” One of the most important things you can do from day 1 is prioritize your business. Think of it as a non-negotiable, like working out or eating a well balanced diet. You are not going to get that 6 pack from 1 workout once a month.

From the very beginning, I was very disciplined in making time for my business each and every day. This business is made for busy people, busy people know how to prioritize. If you only have a free 15 minutes in your day to build your business, then I will show you how to be successful in 15 minutes. 

How the Day Goes

I want to show you a “day in the life” of a working mom, business owner, but as you know, every day can look different. There are weekend days, work days, and don’t get me started on summer days. When the kids are home, it is an even bigger different ball of wax. For all intensive purposes, let’s say this is a typical work day…

6:00 AM, work out

8:15 AM, school drop off

9:00 AM, work day starts

2:30 PM, work day ends

4:00 PM after school activities

5:30 PM, dinner

7:00 PM, baby goes to bed

8:00 PM, older girls’ bed time

8-9:00 PM, business work

The evening hours are when my focused business activity really takes place, but I am forgetting to also mention the 15 minutes of spare time throughout my day that I may make a social media post for instance. Or write a message to a new contact on social media. The extra 20 min I have while waiting in the carpool lane at school. There are so many different pockets of our day that up until the point of starting our business, we probably just mindlessly scrolled social media. Now I am filling it with focused business activity. 

Daily Activity

You may be asking, okay, but again, what do you do? Recently, I created a daily business building checklist that is meant to serve as a guide to assist any business owner in focusing on the correct task everyday. I live and breathe by my to-do list. Simply follow these activities every day to build your business, and you can’t go wrong. Check it out here! Click here

It is hard to think that you have the extra time laying around in your day to build a successful business. You probably had your 24 hours already filled, right? But this business is meant to be worked in part time hours around your busy schedule. If you set the time aside as part of your daily non-negotiables, do the things that are easy to do, but also easy not to do, and watch how your business can change your life. 

Until next time, much love my friends, 
