Have you ever thought about what your catalyst is? What drives you?

I always thought when I started my career that caring for patients, helping people feel better would be my vehicle. It would be enough. It’s a pretty admirable career after all, right? Don’t get me wrong, I feel very blessed to serve others in this way. Practicing medicine is a privilege. But then I had kids. I noticed that shift in myself quickly. Soon enough, my family’s life was the driver and catalyst for me to strive for more. 

If you desire change, you must make a change. 

I did learn that spending hours during the day at my 9-5 while my babies were being watched by someone else was not what I really wanted. There was a strong desire to be present not only myself, but also my kids. I started to look into ways to supplement my income because I also had significant student debt, with the ultimate goal of cutting back hours at work 

Enter side hustle. A New Driver.

I started my business 4 years ago, and have achieved just that. I practice 24 hours a week, am able to drop off my kids from school, pick them up, take them to after school activities, and be home 1 day a week with my 20 month old. (Please search the R+F IDS for further information regarding income potential ). Check these things off my list, I made it, right?! 

I still desire more. 

This business allowed me to dream even bigger. If you are wondering what is possible, check out this recent blog post, highlighting my girl Amy’s story Are you still dreaming big? The point is, it is absolutely possible for you to do more, to create the life you desire. You can have a career, run a business, be present for your family, all while continuing to provide and contribute financially. You just have to take a chance. Make the best investment in yourself! 

So much more than side income, and skincare, this side hustle has allowed me to dream again. I don’t know where my journey will take me. But I know it is so much more than what I have done thus far, and this train is not slowing down. Allow yourself the opportunity to dream again. Find the catalyst to get you there. Perhaps it is this opportunity? If you are curious about the history of our company, check this out! 

Whatever the case, I know we are all meant for more! 

Until next time, much love my friends, 


If you are ever curious, see if this is something you could do here (Click here)