Remember those dreams you had as a kid, maybe it was to win an Oscar, to travel, to be a singer. Or perhaps you pictured yourself playing professional basketball just like Michael Jordan (I grew up in the 90s, he will always be the best basketball player to me and my go to athlete reference ;)) 

Then… reality sets in. 

You grow up, and experience setbacks, failure, heartache, and fear. Also, things get busier. Life gets crazy with grown up jobs, responsibilities, marriage, and kids, etc. Dreaming soon becomes a thing of the past. 

I was there once. 

Somewhere between grad school, marriage, and kids I forgot how to dream. I found myself going through the motions of life. Telling my girls that they could be or do anything they wanted, but not sure I believed that myself anymore. Silently, I was feeling stifled and did not know how to get that spark back. 

I found it in the most unlikely of places. When I started my home based business, first it allowed me to seek change, and to say that I was no longer going to be mediocre. Then, I started setting goals for myself, and I was making positive changes working towards a big goal. Something was starting to shine inside me and I saw this change happen to other people. Fellow business partners that I helped launch their own business, and I knew this was it. 

Surround yourself with those that inspire you.

In the process, I surrounded myself with such positive uplifting inspiring women that for the first time in years, I could think about the “what ifs” and really set my sights BIG. When you see others who are just like you, achieve big dreams, like pay off debt, retire early, earn trips, free cars, start an orphanage, or open a hospital in a third world country to serve others, it causes you to dream again. Please search for R+F IDS for further information regarding income.

Take Amy’s inspiring story for instance… 

She is a fellow PA, former beauty pageant contestant, whose strong desire to serve the underprivileged took her and her husband to Africa. There she runs a five-story nonprofit hospital for orphaned and abandoned children. Amy also happens to be a home based business owner. Her dream is to bring the worlds of humanitarian and entrepreneurial work together in order to save the lives of millions. If that doesn’t give you all the feels, I don’t know what would. Check out this full article here detailing her story…

When you start your entrepreneurial journey, it isn’t because the dream is that business. That business is the vehicle to get you there. Surround yourself with people who think big, and inspire you to be bigger. It is possible to get out of the daily grind, and make a change. Be the difference you want to see in the world. 

As always, I am an open book. Ask me anything about what it is that I do. I love to share. 

Until next time, much love my friends, 
